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Source: Spain’s Villages Wage a Lonely Fight Against the Coronavirus – The New York Times

The isolation of the countryside offers some protection against the outbreak, but once the illness strikes, it can reveal the unique vulnerabilities that smaller communities face.

Medical workers evacuating a coronavirus patient from a nursing home in Valderrobres, Spain, this month. Nearly 50 of the 60 residents at the home tested positive for the pathogen.


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VALDERROBRES, Spain — The deafening rumble rose from the depths of the countryside, a welcome yet unnerving sign of life in a corner of northeastern Spain, where villages perched on craggy hills overlook vineyards and fields of olive and almond trees.

At the wheel of his tractor, a farmer disinfected the narrow streets of the village of Valderrobres, with a spreader normally used to fertilize his fields. The breeze sent flowerpots and chairs flying, but it didn’t matter. There was a virus to kill.

“Everything here arrives later,” said the farmer, Miguel Angel Caldu, about the initial lack of testing kits and protective equipment in the area. Half of the health workers at the local nursing home tested positive for the coronavirus, and so did nearly 50 of the 60 residents, 12 of whom have died.

So every evening, locals like Mr. Caldu have been cleaning places like Valderrobres, a tourist town of about 2,400 people that is known for its 14th-century gothic castle and stone bridge.

ImageMiguel Angel Caldu, a farmer, disinfected the narrow streets of Valderrobres this month with a spreader normally used to fertilize his vines and fields of almond trees.
Image“I’ll come back stronger,” said Esther Pitart, 81, as she was evacuated from the nursing home in Valderrobres on April 8.

“If we don’t take care of ourselves, nobody will,” he said.

In terms of deaths, the coronavirus pandemic has hit Spain harder than every European country but Italy and has ravaged large cities such as Barcelona and Madrid. Less noticed has been the plight of villages.

Like small communities around the world, Spain’s villages are finding that their isolation is a mixed blessing. It may offer some protection against contagion, but once the coronavirus strikes, it can reveal the particular vulnerabilities that smaller communities face.

In Spain, despite a robust health care system and one of the highest life expectancy levels in Europe, rural areas have suffered from aging health care infrastructure and a lack of doctors, after decades of urbanization and a lack of public investment.

Rural areas also have an abundance of older adults. In Teruel, the province in a remote corner of Aragon that contains Valderrobres, they make up a quarter of the population. Villages in the region, many with centuries-old ramparts overlooking the countryside, now have the appearance of boarded-up fortresses trying to keep their aged populations safe.

In other rural areas, such as the province of Soria, in the neighboring region of Castile and León, outbreaks overwhelmed for weeks the only hospital with intensive care units. Such rural stretches of Spain have among the lowest population density levels in Europe, and many there have long complained about being neglected and cut off by the national authorities.

In one village in Teruel, the only doctor in the area interrupted his weekly visits after he had to go into isolation; in another, the only grocery store closed for days after the shopkeeper left.

In Valderrobres, where the closest hospital with intensive care in the region is two hours away, the health authorities initially refused to test those at the nursing home who didn’t have symptoms, said the mayor, Carlos Boné, even as it became the epicenter of a local outbreak.

When Mr. Boné bought tests and discovered that two-thirds of the staff and residents had the virus, the regional authorities rejected the results because they came from a private lab, and then conducted their own tests a week later.

ImageAn abandoned train station in Lledó, a village in the province of Teruel.
ImageA view of Peñarroya de Tastavins, a town in Teruel. Rural authorities in Spain have argued that they are underequipped to fight the virus.

“In villages, it’s always ‘It will arrive soon,’ or ‘You will get this shortly,’” Mr. Boné said. “In the meantime, we’re risking lives, and here, 35 workers are 35 people you know.”

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Mr. Boné, a former nurse, worked in the nursing home for two straight weeks because most of its nurses have had to isolate themselves at some point and he couldn’t find replacements.

Like many other European countries, Spain has struggled to contain the spread of the coronavirus in many parts of its territory. Unions are taking the authorities to court after thousands of health care workers became infected. Soldiers have found residents abandoned or dead in nursing homes. But in remote areas, the crisis has accentuated a perception that the right to health care might differ depending on where a person lives.

“In the areas that may have been neglected, the feeling of abandonment can be as much emotional as it is material,” said Sergio del Molino, a novel writer and journalist who has coined the expression “España vacía,” or “empty Spain,” to refer to the draining away of people and skilled workers, and the hollowing out of infrastructure, especially in rural areas.

Confinement measures enforced throughout Europe have plunged other rural areas into similar situations. In a small village in the Lombardy region, the epicenter of Italy’s outbreak, a ban on leaving a town without a health or work reason has forced the national agency managing the crisis response to make multiple trips per day to the closest supermarket to bring food to locals there.

ImageAlberto Ribes delivering food to Alicia Micolau in Valderrobres.
ImageSara Lombarte sewing masks at her home in Peñarroya de Tastavins.

In France, which has long struggled against a shortage of doctors in some rural areas, an organization representing small towns has recommended that municipal employees deliver bread and groceries to aging populations.

In Spain, Aragon has received roughly as many tests per inhabitant as the Madrid region, the epicenter of Spain’s outbreak, but half as many masks per inhabitant. And mayors of isolated villages in Teruel argue that the masks that have been sent have mostly gone to Aragon’s larger cities.

“There is an advantage in isolation, distance provides protection,” said Angel Paniagua, a researcher at the National Research Council of Spain, who has studied the country’s most isolated regions. “But when the virus hits, you’re left with your own problems.”

Mr. del Molino, the author and journalist, said that resources had dwindled in many rural areas after health care was gradually decentralized to the regions in the 1980s and ’90s.

ImageAn empty basketball court in Fuentespalda, Teruel.
ImageFields between Peñarroya de Tastavins and Valderrobres.

Source: Un Sant Jordi especial al Matarranya » Temps de Franja

Source: Els veïns de Pena-roja distreuen el confinament rescatant fotos antigues | Matarranya Media

Source: Fans de Quico el Célio, el Noi i el Mut de Ferreries (Club no Oficial)

Source: Un Sant Jordi especial al Matarranya » Temps de Franja

Source: El ball de la jota a les Terres de l’Ebre » Temps de Franja

Source: Els mantons ‘prenen’ Fraga en una Faldeta virtual

Source: Brian Mott “El aragonés está casi extinguido, dentro de una generación quizá no quede nada”

Source: Les notícies de Temps de Franja 97

Temps de Franja

Revista aragonesa en català d’actualitat i reflexió

N. 97 • 24 d’abril de 2020


// Juli Micolau

Avui, proclius com som a commemorar, és el 50 aniversari del Dia de la Terra, un planeta que es calenta per efectes del canvi climàtic i congela la humanitat amb virus, confinaments i paràlisi econòmica.

L’aigua pot parèixer una font renovable però és un bé escàs i el seu recurs, vital. Preservar el medi ambient és fonamental per a donar-nos l’esperança del seu aprofitament, tant per al rec dels camps com per a beure.

Llegir-ne més.

L’IEBC publica un llibre que recupera la memòria minera i reivindicativa de Mequinensa

Jacinto Bonales Cortés. Memòria ofegada. Reivindicació laboral i repressió política a Mequinensa i la conca minera (1889-1963). Ed. Institut d’Estudis del Baix Cinca IEA, Col·lecció Gallica Flavia núm. 12
// Redacció

Aquest any 2020, malgrat la pandèmia, l’Institut d’Estudis del Baix Cinca torna a presentar una novetat editorial dins la col·lecció Gallica Flavia. Es tracta d’un estudi d’història contemporània centrat en el moviment obrer dins la conca minera de Mequinensa.

Llegir-ne més.


// Marina d’Algars

Totes les cultures tenen els seus rituals d’enterrament: egípcia, índica, xinesa, hebrea, islàmica… El funeral és un ritu que canalitza la nostra manera de reaccionar davant la mort i un tret diferencial amb la resta d’éssers vius. Ja els neandertals tenien un comportament col·lectiu i enterraven els morts de forma ritual.

Llegir-ne més.

Info Insti, un programa de Ràdio Matarranya

// Carles Sancho

Per a l’alumnat de l’assignatura de català de l’institut Matarraña el confinament no ha sigut cap impediment per seguir col·laborant a Ràdio Matarranya amb el seu programa setmanal Info Insti, d’aproximadament trenta minuts de durada i que s’emet en antena puntualment cada divendres durant del curs escolar. L’alumnat, des de les seues viles, a conseqüència de la quarantena, participen com a reporters en un programa informatiu que coordina la professora de català del centre Pepa Nogués.

Llegir-ne més.

Us presentem la nostra novetat pel Sant Jordi, i aprofitem, malgrat les circumstàncies,  per desitjar-vos salut i alegria. Moltes ganes de retrobar-nos!

Memòria ofegada. Reivindicació laboral i repressió política a Mequinensa i la conca minera (1889-1963)  Ed. Institut d’Estudis del Baix Cinca IEA-Col·lecció Gallica Flavia núm. 12

Jacinto Bonales Cortés

Aquest any 2020, malgrat la pandèmia, l’Institut d’Estudis del Baix Cinca torna a presentar una novetat editorial dins la col·lecció Gallica Flavia. Es tracta d’un estudi d’història contemporània centrat en el moviment obrer dins la conca minera de Mequinensa. Obra de l’historiador mequinensà Jacinto Bonales i amb el títol Memòria ofegada, entre els seus fulls es reconstrueix el passat reivindicatiu dels miners i les seves formes d’associació en un text que entrelliga les queixes, vagues i motins locals amb la dinàmica política del municipi, de la comarca i del conjunt d’Espanya en una història que, per a la gran majoria de la gent, va quedar ofegada per l’Ebre juntament amb el poble vell. La narració busca les arrels dels canvis socials i associatius a mitjans del segle XIX, però centra el seu discurs en el període que va des de la primera vaga de la conca minera l’any 1889, coincidint amb les vagues barcelonines de l’Exposició Universal, i culmina amb les vagues de 1963, en plena dictadura del general Franco, quan al tancament de les mines s’uneix la destrucció de l’antic poble per la construcció de l’embassament. Entre ambdós successos, les reivindicacions laborals i la repressió política es troben en els diferents episodis de la història d’Espanya: la setmana tràgica i el caciquisme polític, l’edat d’or de la mineria durant la Primera Guerra Mundial, la greu crisi de la dècada de 1920 i el lockout patronal amb la violència de la dictadura de Primo de Rivera, les esperances truncades durant la Segona República, la revolució que mai va existir durant la Guerra Civil, l’assalt dels anarquistes fragatins a la vila majoritàriament comunista, l’exili i els camps, i la reaparició dels moviments reivindicatius al llarg de tota la dictadura franquista. L’estudi vol allunyar-se d’una simple descripció de fets i xifres i ve acompanyat de més de 200 biografies de mequinensans i veïns de la comarca que van participar en els moviments polítics i reivindicatius o que van patir la repressió política.

Institut d’Estudis del Baix Cinca – IEA


Source: Denunciado por saltarse el confinamiento para recolectar setas en La Ginebrosa

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